Friday 31 December 2010


Watching Up for the second time, and being able to cry properly (last time I was on a first date and I didn't want to smudge my mascara, so I had to choke back the tears). Isn't it amazing that a cartoon can do that?

Thursday 30 December 2010


Leftover Christmas cake that me and my Mum keep pouring sherry over. Mmm.

Wednesday 29 December 2010


Being the only person in the pathology waiting room who realised there was a numbered ticketing system, so I got called up first.

So long, suckers!

Tuesday 28 December 2010


Taking mum's painting off the wall to "tweak" the poppy in the foreground. I had a moment where I thought I'd ruined it, but it all came together and I'm much happier with it now.

But that pod could be a little smaller...

Monday 27 December 2010


All three of us siblings and two sister-in-laws squashed on the 3 seater couch at my bro's place for his birthday (yep, Boxing Day birthday - sucks to be him!), and having my brother tell a bad Dad joke just because he knew it would make me laugh.

Sunday 26 December 2010


The silliness of Christmas Day with my crazy fam - party-popper wars, balsa-wood aeroplanes getting stuck in trees, putting cones over our eyes and giving out ridiculous presents (Reynolds brand biro's, anyone?). I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.

Saturday 25 December 2010


Finally reaching the turning point with the painting I'm doing for my mum, to go at the end of the hallway. Future archaeologists might get a glimpse of the crappy mountains and fake-looking flowers that I painted over.

Friday 24 December 2010


Receiving long-distance Christmas gifts in the post (which appear as if by magic on the front porch).

Thursday 23 December 2010


Being followed part-way home by one of my friend's twins (age 5, broken arm, feeling a little sorry for himself) at his insistence, then watching as he reached the outer extreme of his comfort zone and turned tail for home.

Wednesday 22 December 2010


The exquisite sadness of sitting on a train with your head resting against the window, watching rain drops trickle down the other side of the glass, while listening to Joan as Police Woman singing "To Be Lonely".

Tuesday 21 December 2010


Running into our family car mechanic (2 generations thereof) while having dinner at the local RSL.

Hi, Mr. O'Connor (Senior)! You don't remember me, but you probably remember the succession of shitty cars I limped over to your garage to be fixed...

Monday 20 December 2010

Sunday 19 December 2010


Seeing a monk in orange robes putting out his wheelie bin for the rubbish collection.

Saturday 18 December 2010

Friday 17 December 2010


Going to a job interview where I wasn't asked: "What would you consider your greatest success stories?". Just nice, down-to-earth people who were interested in me and my folio. Ahh.

Thursday 16 December 2010


Being the devil on my friend's shoulder, telling her she only need tell the Agency what they need to know...

Wednesday 15 December 2010


Whipping up some lovely lemon butter for Christmas presents (only I forgot to leave some for me and my parents).

Tuesday 14 December 2010


Making pickled onions for my Dad for Christmas (or possibly his b'day in January). Don't worry, he doesn't "get" the internet so there's not even a slim chance he will stumble across this post.

Sunday 12 December 2010


Hearing Mariah Carey's "All I Want For Christmas..." for the first time this year.

Yup, it's trashy but admit it: you secretly love it too.

Saturday 11 December 2010


Giving the neglected compost heap a good mix with the gardening fork, and adding some green trimmings. It's basically like preparing a salad - you want a good mix of textures; not too dry or too wet.

Friday 10 December 2010


Cycling the Pashley home from the bike shop :) Melbourne streets are so smooth after pot-holey old London!

Thursday 9 December 2010


Making McReyno's burgers and chips for my parents for dinner, with direction from Dad ("More onion! How about some tomato sauce? Did you butter the roll?")

Wednesday 8 December 2010


Comparing strange dreams with my Dad. His "John Lennon's body with Andy Lee's head" dream won this round.

Tuesday 7 December 2010


Riding my 10-year-old bike to an appointment in a $9 Salvo's dress. Who needs a car/disposable income?

Monday 6 December 2010


Getting two phone calls in a row from my SILs (sisters-in-law) to organise a market day. I love having extra family members of the female persuasion!

Saturday 4 December 2010


The thrill of seeing my banana-passionfruit seeds sprouting - who would have thought those tiny green shoots could produce such a reaction? I hope I get to eat the fruit from one of these babies, one day in the not-too-distant future.

Friday 3 December 2010


Wandering around Ceres "Community Environment Park" day-dreaming about having my own garden.

Thursday 2 December 2010


Having a Keanu Reeves "whoa" moment at a hippy party, while chatting with a bloke who had had plastic surgery on his ears to make them pointed (as well as an enormous tatt over half of his face/head/body), as he told me about his past living on the streets of Sydney and his dreams to run his own fashion label.

Everybody is people, even those outside the norm.

Wednesday 1 December 2010


Making it to the other side of the lake, tugging little Arwen by one hand.

Tuesday 30 November 2010


Making spicy broadbean felafels and salad with minty yoghurt, using all fresh produce from the garden (except for the yoghurt, which was locally sourced).

Monday 29 November 2010


Helping the Fryer's Forest community clear their flooded main access bridge. Just me in my bare feet (no wellies!) and a bunch of hippies, chucking sticks downstream and hauling logs to the sides as the golden-brown water gushed on.

It's rare for me to feel that I'm actually doing something important and useful. It's a good feeling.

Sunday 28 November 2010


Getting at least twice as much dried mango as I paid for from a grateful market holder, who thanked me for waiting patiently while he served some bossy women ahead of me.

I can't abide people who are rude to the people serving them (which seems to be a more common occurence in these impatient times). Do you really think you're that important? I got news for you sister, you ain't.

Friday 26 November 2010


Swimming in a vast, peaceful sun-warmed dam, black with natural tanins, the sun beaming gently down on my lightly tanned flesh.



Thursday 25 November 2010


Taking delivery of my shipment of boxes, 3 months later!

Pashley is back (but not back together... anyone know a good bike repair shop??) as well as many, many shoes and DVDs.

Wednesday 24 November 2010


30 degrees of absolute perfection in Melbourne today.

Also, spending an afternoon with an old school mate, debating climate change with her hubbie in between reading to their adorable 3 year old.

Tuesday 23 November 2010


Having my brother tell me that I have a sister now, for the first time in 33 years.

A sister! Of my very own.

Monday 22 November 2010


That strangely sad/good melancholy feeling you get when on a long journey back to the city after spending a week in a lush green place.

Sunday 21 November 2010


Trying not to laugh while telling the boys off for not turning out their lights and going to sleep. They were that cute..."But I thought it was only 8.45, not 9.45!", "But he pretended he was in pain, he MADE me go over there!"

Saturday 20 November 2010


Planting a plumtree. Sounds simple, doesn't it? Well, let me tell you, it involved digging a metre square hole (dropping the spade in fright when a small snake slipped out of the grass), wheel-barrowing two barrows of mulch through the tall grass, and fetching several buckets full of dam water to water it with.

Damn those plums better be good!

Thursday 18 November 2010

Wednesday 17 November 2010


Lopping artichokes from the tip-top of plants one and a half times bigger than me, while Sean (age 8) and Riley (age 10) scramble to find them in the underbrush.

Tuesday 16 November 2010


Introducing Riley (age 10) to the strategic mathematical mind-boggling goodness that is Paddocks.

For those of you who don't remember - draw a square as big as your patience on graph paper, mark all the corner 'dots', take it in turns to draw a line between adjoining dots, and when your line closes a square, mark it with your initial. Most initials wins. Suitable for ages 6 and up.

Monday 15 November 2010


Koo Wee Rup: what a great name for a town. I am loving rural Victoria more and more.

Sunday 14 November 2010


The Awwww! when the lights went down and the Ahhhh! as they came back up. Nothing like a mini blackout to make you appreciate the modern magic of electricity.

Saturday 13 November 2010


Mooching around town with the Sydney-based Miss Chetty (or I guess Missus Mountford now that she's married... WHATEVS CHETTY). Popped into Meet Me At Mike's (the analogue version) and ate far too many macaroons... what a lovely way to spend a Saturday.


Getting a surprise visit from my bro and his wife (!), who burst in while I was doing the washing in my PJs.

Friday 12 November 2010


Sitting on the top deck of the ferry back to the mainland in the brilliant sunshine and thinking: I haven't been this happy since New York.

Thursday 11 November 2010


Learning to make "poor man's cheese" from fresh milk and apple cider vinegar with Alison of French Island Olive Oil.

Wednesday 10 November 2010


The koala who tolerated me and my camera with a great expression of "harrumph" on his fuzzy little features. Boop!

Tuesday 9 November 2010


Walking along a lonely stretch of the rugged beach and stepping onto grey "rocks" that gave way under my feet like puffy cushions.

Monday 8 November 2010


Walking up from the caravan to the farmhouse to be greeted with the most lovely breakfast spread - fresh coffee on the stove, homemade bread and jam for toast, muesli with strawberries and stewed rhubarb, and fresh milk and yoghurt courtesy of the jersey cow up the road. These ladies know how to live.

Sunday 7 November 2010


The quizzical little boy on the jetty who told me that the ferry had just left, but reassured me that it would be back in about an hour, and was I going to French? And who was I staying with? And had I been there before?

Thank you little dude, you made me glad to miss my ferry.

Saturday 6 November 2010


Trying on a pair of my dad's old overalls and finding that they fitted perfectly. Uh-oh.

Friday 5 November 2010


Driving. It's such a luxury for me now, to get in a car and drive wherever I want, whenever I want (traffic permitting), in my own little bubble.

I do wish Melbourne had better public transport. I probably will end up purchasing a car at some point; but for now, I'm enjoying the luxury of the odd drive in my mum's snazzy little Mazda.

Thursday 4 November 2010


Charlie the cockatoo's welcome dance, consisting of raising his crest, flaring his tail feathers, and bobbing groovily from side to side like a sulfur-crested Tony Manero.

Wednesday 3 November 2010


Having 2 little snow-white kids jumping on me and trying to eat my hat while my friend laughed her head off (between snapping shots).

Tuesday 2 November 2010


The exhilaration of walking two beautiful dingoes along a country road, nearly having my arm yanked off in the process. I was a little wary until the more affectionate of the two jumped up on me and tried to lick me to death.

Monday 1 November 2010


Bottle-feeding calves and lambs. It's been a long time since I did it on my uncle's farm as a child and I forgot how slightly unnerving, but eventually lovely and calming it is.

Sunday 31 October 2010


Helping a jumpy little girl to overcome her fear of animals by sitting and talking with her until she felt ready to stroke the quietest little black bunny in my arms.

Saturday 30 October 2010


Finding myself unexpectedly at a beach near Bittern after a long journey down the coast, paddling in the water with three disparate strangers who already felt like friends.

Friday 29 October 2010


Realising my trying-to-be-serious story about a bloke trying to engage a hitman's services to off his girlfriend was actually kind of funny when read out loud...

Thursday 28 October 2010


Realising that the overwhelming colour to be found in my wardrobe is coral.
Exhibit A:

Wednesday 27 October 2010


Being gently persuaded away from the retro Wayfarer sunnies I had my eye on for a more classic style of Ray Bans (to replace my generic UK prescription sunnies which I lost on the Melbourne train system).

Tuesday 26 October 2010


Making Dickie remove his top and wear my staw hat to pose as Huck Finn by the Yarra. You're a good sport Mr. Dickie!

Monday 25 October 2010


Inventing the "bum race" with my cousins two little boys, where you race down the hotel stairs on your bum annoying the hotel staff and generally creating a ruckus.

Sunday 24 October 2010


Breaking down halfway through the reading at my bro's wedding, causing him to tear up, and subsequently half the audience. Love you bro, and so proud to have you as part of our family Stace.

Saturday 23 October 2010


Pre-wedding day preparations - my mum and I have been racing around to last minute appointments. This is the first wedding in our family and it's an extraordinarily big deal! Can't wait to see my bro up there.

Friday 22 October 2010


New Season 30 Rock! Starting tonight! On Australian television! And I only just found out! 25 minutes before it began! *heaves a contented sigh*

Thursday 21 October 2010


Being told by a fellow class member that I write great dialogue. I may not be the greatest talker in the world, but I sure as hell am a great listener.

Wednesday 20 October 2010


Little Millyca hugging my leg as if it were a tree, beaming up at me in her winning 2-year-old way.

Tuesday 19 October 2010


Little Tya telling her mum that she wants my apple pie for her birthday cake next year, her big brown eyes wide with earnest. Adorbs.

Sunday 17 October 2010


Laying down for a sneaky afternoon break after a long day of digging up rocks. I don´t like rocks.


Talking my mum into buying me another "guilt coffee" after she accidentally slammed my thumb in the car door yesterday... it doesn't hurt but it sure looks a mess!

Saturday 16 October 2010


Sloshing through the dumping rain to pick up my left-behind charger, cursing myself every step of the way, and then realising that after this experience, I'm never going to leave it behind again!

Friday 15 October 2010


Hearing my writing class talk about my characters as if they were real.

Wednesday 13 October 2010


Giving Lukee and Marky Mark a big hug and a kiss goodbye :) they weren't expecting that!

Tuesday 12 October 2010


Seeing a newborn calf up close, all big black eyes, lanky limbs and marshmallow-pink nose. Goddamn they are gorgeous creatures.

Monday 11 October 2010


Beautiful roast chicken for dinner after a hard day's yakka cutting weeds and laying mulch.

Sunday 10 October 2010


Running through the house giggling and shooting the boys with their toy "sucker" gun. If you can call blokes in their late twenties "boys"...

Saturday 9 October 2010


Meeting a gorgeous sulphur-crested cockatoo who wanted nothing more than to rub his head on my leg and be petted.

Friday 8 October 2010

Thursday 7 October 2010


Listening to the eclectic stories written by my creative writing class.


Sharpening a whole box of old coloured pencils left over from my high school days. It's so satisfying to see that neat row of sharpened points in a muddled up spectrum of colours and lengths.

Wednesday 6 October 2010


Losing whole hours while tapping away at the keyboard in a writing trance.

Oh look, I missed lunch. Oh well, I'll just keep writing until I find out why this character is acting so weird.

Tuesday 5 October 2010


Hanging on the porch with pops, drinking the remainder of his VB with lemonade.

Monday 4 October 2010


Dreaming of French Island, a remote little community just east of the Bay, only accessible by boat. I hope to get some WWOOFing gigs out there. What a treat all this spare time and space is.

Saturday 2 October 2010


Booking in a WWOOF stay in Kyabram, up north, in a weeks time. That's right, I'm venturing beyond the suburbs. Watch out, country Victoria! Clueless city slicker heading your way.

Friday 1 October 2010


Being distracted by the lure of various creative projects at the shops - half price wool at Lincraft (round crochet-cushion ahoy!) and reduced canvases at Riot Art & Craft.

Thursday 30 September 2010


Being genuinely intrigued by the short pieces we produced during a half hour "free writing" session at my creative writing workshop. What an interesting bunch of bite-size stories.


The contented clucking of a brood of well-fed chooks.

Wednesday 29 September 2010


The look on Bruce's face (over-enthusiastic blonde Border Collie) when he can't find the stick that I threw in the opposite direction to where he was running. So sweet but so dumb!

Monday 27 September 2010


Being told I don't look old enough to have a thirty year old "little" brother!


Being asked to do a reading at my bro's wedding next month. As long as I don't choke on my own sentimental tears, it'll be great.

Sunday 26 September 2010

Saturday 25 September 2010


Tidying up in preparation for Caz and Mick's homecoming. Housework can be satisfying in short bursts (as long as there are weeks of laziness in between, to make sure it doesn't become drugery).

Friday 24 September 2010


Squirting gobs of paint onto a canvas you've decided needs a complete overhaul. Constructively destructive!

Thursday 23 September 2010


Cooking dinner for my mum... working towards payback for the million and one dinners she's prepared for me over my lifetime!

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Monday 20 September 2010


Realising that Australian TV really isn't the cultural wilderness that I remember. The Gruen Transfer, Good News Week, Talkin' 'bout your Generation made infinitely more watchable by the marvellous Sean Micallef, Mad Men on SBS, First Tuesday Book Club, Australian Story... lots of good stuff, well produced and intelligently presented.

Sunday 19 September 2010

Saturday 18 September 2010


The awesome majesty of towering gum trees, shooting up, up, up to impossibly tall heights.

Friday 17 September 2010


My first paid writing job. At least, I'm assuming it's paid.. if the client likes it enough to use it.


Working out how to play the ipad theme by ear on my friend's baby grand. And startling the dogs with my free form "jazz".

Thursday 16 September 2010


Getting more than I bargained for while hugging Ryan, my school friend's cheeky, tactile little 3 year old. Boy likes boobs!

Not exactly a Happy Moment as such - that would be weird - but it did make me laugh.

Wednesday 15 September 2010


Mucking around with middle bro, using miniature baking marshmallows as teeth.

Tuesday 14 September 2010


Sharing a wave and a smile with the Puffing Billy maintenance men who were chuffing along the tracks above my head.

Monday 13 September 2010

Sunday 12 September 2010


The air up here! So sweet and fragrant and fresh it is a joy to inhale - eucalpytus and pine and woodsmoke and wet dirt and tree bark.

Is this how air is supposed to smell? Damn.

London, I hate to be the one to tell you, but you have a little personal hygiene problem.

Saturday 11 September 2010


Taking delivery of my enormous parcel of clothes and shoes at long last (my luggage was so stupendously overweight I had to send it separately). Also, no breakages! But I may be spending the next few weeks hunched over a hot iron.

Friday 10 September 2010

Thursday 9 September 2010


The impossibility of seeing old High school friends as grown ups. We'll always be giggling adolescents in school uniform in my mind.

Tuesday 7 September 2010


Discovering that one of the WWOOF hosts is Mr. John Marsden of Tomorrow When The War Began fame!! Please accept me Mr. Marsden, I am strong and healthy and dying to get my hands dirty.

Monday 6 September 2010


Spending an afternoon in the company of friends I haven't seen in a long time. Missed you guys, Bixatron and the Spaldinator!

Sunday 5 September 2010


Double rainbow all the way across the sky!!!

Pic to come as soon as I figure out the quirks of my parents crappy computer...

Friday 3 September 2010


A surprise evening drop-in from one bro, and a surprise call from the other, both within 5 minutes of each other. Yay siblings!

Thursday 2 September 2010

Tuesday 31 August 2010


My Dad's tears at the airport as I stumbled out of the arrivals gate. My mum's beaming face when I got home. Hugging my brothers later the same day, and laughing on the porch. The crisp Melbourne sunshine in my face, staving off jet lag. Catching up with my parents and telling them about how I've been. Being looked after by them. My mum's home cooking.

Well, you get the picture. It's lovely to be home.

Monday 30 August 2010


The view from the plane window as we flew over Australia, a bright orange strip defining the horizon, blackness above and below.

Sunday 29 August 2010


Basking in the warm glow of the Late Turner room at the TATE Britain on my last day in London. Heavenly.

Friday 27 August 2010


Receiving my custom designed t-shirt this morning:

Roller girls T

I'm really pleased with how this turned out. Gonna miss my London blading buddies!

Thursday 26 August 2010


Taping up boxes with brown packing tape. Mmm, I love the smell of cardboard in the morning.

Wednesday 25 August 2010

Tuesday 24 August 2010


Wondering what that tinkling sound was while riding my bike to work, and realising it was coming from my new dangly earrings.


Pashley, I hereby dub thee Princess Persephone, purveyor of pedal-powered pleasure!

Sunday 22 August 2010


...and that's how you make a man salad.


Getting a surprise visit from Mr. Black-and-White-Cat poking his head into my living room. Gave each other quite a start.

Friday 20 August 2010


Realising that the Pashley is a much easier ride than my old banger. The momentum on that baby! It practically rides itself.

Thursday 19 August 2010


Seeing a black woman whose hair was dyed the most perfect shade of cobalt blue.

Wednesday 18 August 2010


Riding home bathed by the sort of softly glorious sunset that London does so well, Canary Wharf tower lit up in orange to my left and the Royal Festival Hall glowing soft pink and mauve to my right.

Tuesday 17 August 2010


Finding an adaptor I had given up as lost. Most pleasing.


Accidentally overturning a punnet of blueberries in the fridge and watching helplessly as they pin-balled their way from the top shelf all the way down to the vegetable crisper.

Monday 16 August 2010


Cycling to Battersea Park with my friend and previous flatmate Gem on her Birthday Eve.

I wish she would move to Melbourne and live next door to me. How about it, Gem? I'll make you pancakes every weekend!

Sunday 15 August 2010

Thursday 12 August 2010


Having the theme song from "Perfect Strangers" running around my head for days.

Annoying though it is, it makes me smile every time. Ah, bad tv, happy memories.

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Tuesday 10 August 2010


Riding my second-hand-but-new-to-me Pashley to work. It is everything I dreamed it would be: stately, graceful, comfortable, and surprisingly speedy. Not so great on the uphills, but oof! It gains some serious momentum and once it gets going, you can sail along for ages! Love love love it.

Sunday 8 August 2010

Saturday 7 August 2010


Refusing to go inside during a light rain shower at a friend's BBQ. After you resist the urge to run for cover at the first few drops, it's really fine, and maybe even kind of nice.

Friday 6 August 2010


Spider-web tattoos on the elbows of the cyclist in front of me today.


Discovering Abstract City, by Christoph Niemann. I could spend hours lost in his world full of whimsical ideas and simple illustrations.

Thursday 5 August 2010


I have a new bike! A second hand Pashley princess. And oh, she's such a joy.

Monday 2 August 2010

Sunday 1 August 2010


Retail therapy of the rather sensible kind, I think you'll agree:

1x pair of black stretch trousers and 1x black knee-length skirt from Gap
1x pair of dark blue skinny jeans and 2x super-cheap tees from Uniqlo

Saturday 31 July 2010


Doing the "flying dragon" in Qi-yoga: a pose where you balance on one slightly bent leg with hands in prayer position, bend forward slowly from the hips while raising your other leg behind you until your torso and raised leg are parallel to the ground, then stretching your arms out to either side with wrists bent and fingers pointing upwards.

Hold for several minutes, pretending to be an aeroplane (or a flying dragon, if you prefer)!

Friday 30 July 2010


Choice paralysis in Paperchase: too many cute cards! How can I possibly be expected to pick the one that is just right for it's intended recipient?

Wednesday 28 July 2010


Best 5-syllable word ever:


(I can't help imagining it voiced by Captain Zapp Brannigan from Futurama).

Tuesday 27 July 2010


The sound of breaking ice from it's tray and the lovely dink when it hits your glass.

Monday 26 July 2010


Riding to work this morning, the sky heavy with dark clouds, chanting "don't-rain-don't-rain-don't-rain" in my head with every pedal. And it didn't.

I am magic!

Sunday 25 July 2010

Saturday 24 July 2010

Friday 23 July 2010

Thursday 22 July 2010


Well if it isn't my old foe, Gusting Headwinds! We meet again. How fitting that you should choose Waterloo Bridge to make your attack. Well Gusting, you haven't defeated me yet and tonight is going to be no exception! For I shall never surrender to your icy cold fingers, NEVER! I shall struggle on gallantly, inch by inch, until victory and half a tub of ice-cream are once again within my triumphant grasp.


Noticing a beautiful period building with "Sons of Temperance Friendly Society" emblazoned across the top of its facade.

Wouldn't that be a great name for a band?

Tuesday 20 July 2010


Letting out an involuntary old man groan as I straddled my bike this morning, after too much dancing to Vampire Weekend on Sunday night.

Monday 19 July 2010


The simple joy of sitting on a couch after a weekend of no chairs. Better than bed or shower. Who would've thought it?

I'm pretty sure I heard my butt muscles sigh gratefully.

Sunday 18 July 2010


Dancing joyously in my socks to the most excellent Vampire Weekend (most especially the gorgeous chaos of Cousins)

Saturday 17 July 2010


Sitting barefoot on a picnic blanket, drinking cider in the hot hot rays of sunshine while nodding sleepily along to Mumford & Sons.

Friday 16 July 2010


The Empire of the Sun dancers. Love those funky-fierce sex-robot moves, ladies! And your costumes are out of this world. Truly.

Thursday 15 July 2010


My long lost thermarest came home! I've missed you, Best Camping Accessory Ever.

Tuesday 13 July 2010


Seeing a businessman carrying a bunch of lilies home for his girlfriend. I love seeing men with flowers.

Monday 12 July 2010


Seeing a grumpy faced business man pushing a miniature (also grumpy) version of himself in a pram.

Sunday 11 July 2010


Roller-blading the smooth paths criss-crossing the park in the heat of the late afternoon sun, scaring pedestrians and making kids jealous.

Saturday 10 July 2010


Having a random conversation with a gentle-natured 79-year-old man in a cafe in Clapham. What interesting stories he had to tell.

Friday 9 July 2010


Cycling past the National Theatre on a warm night, the vast concrete facades lit up red, green and blue.


Got two wolf-whistles on the way to work this morning. Although, they might not have been for me. Oh well, I'm taking 'em.

Wednesday 7 July 2010


Playing leapfrog with the 59 bus most of the way to work. He would stop at the bus stop, I would overtake him, he would overtake me again, repeat until we parted ways. My favourite part is the same dumb faces staring out at me on each overtaking cycle.

Tuesday 6 July 2010


I really enjoyed my lunch today: puy lentils cooked in stock, drained and mixed with wholegrain mustard, olive oil and lemon; together with rocket, avocado, yellow capsicum, mushrooms, and tomato. Yum.

Monday 5 July 2010


You know, I really want to take this project seriously, but honestly - sometimes, this pollyanna, new age, "if you can dream it, you can do it!" crap gets to me. Sometimes, I just want to be a mopey emo kid/grumpy f*cker/weeping Tori Amos fan.

Then I see a wonderful thing like this:

and it fucking kills me. This took me to a happy place (although obviously not his happy place, which is apparently on another planet in a whole other galaxy).


Lying on the terrace in the sun, I see a cloud that looks EXACTLY like an x-ray of a Pterodactyl. Cool.

Sunday 4 July 2010


A toddler craning over his mum's shoulder, pointing a chubby finger at a red double decker bus trunding past.

Saturday 3 July 2010

Thursday 1 July 2010


The way my full skirt swirls around my knees as I pedal, occassionally exposing my brown knees.